Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Encourager

I've heard for years now...

1. your a natural encourager
2. your gifting is encouragement
3. you ooze encouragement
4. hey, you need to go talk to XYZ they could really use some encouragement.
5. yes, but, your an encourager (to discount my words).
6. you have a red phone from God when it comes to encouragement.

So, as someone who is describe by people around her as an encourager, but doesn't neccesarily see herself that way....I need to offer you a glimpse inside my heart.

1. there are many days when it's hard for me to find anything positive to say. Despite perception, I am not always happy, peppy, or encouraging. Just ask my closest friends. But, when I do feel led to encourage someone, it's a very vulnerable position for me. I expose my heart. And it's not easy.

2. Whether or not my gifting is encouragement, it doesn't negate or relieve you of your responsibility to do the same.

3. Not really. I have to choose to shut out what is going on in my world. I have to quiet my soul, and listen to the Holy Spirit.

4. We are all called to encourage each other. If you were talking to XYZ and thought they needed encouragement, YOU need to step up and do it. Perhaps God gave you that conviction FOR YOU. Do not let Satan deceive you into thinking it's not part of your walk to encourage. IT IS. There is a blessing in encouraging people, don't walk away from that.

5. Being an encourager does not mean I lie. Or don't tell the truth, or sugar coat things. (just ask my husband or staff!) I really try to speak the truth in love. But, I leave the person feeling good about the situation or themselves. Don't discount my words or opinion because of your own issues.

6. I am human. I blow it all the time. Many times I've walked away and thought....well, that was fruitless. Besides, everyone who believes in Jesus.... has VIP access to the throne room!!

Please know my heart isn't to sound bitter at all! I love encouraging people! I love reminding them of God's goodness and faithfulness! Want to know why? Because it ALWAYS refocuses MY heart, MY perspectives, or MY thoughts. I really just wanted to express my heart on the issue and issue a challenge to all my friends out there. Don't listen to Satan when he says someone else will do it. If it's your conviction. It's yours to carry out. There is part of God's character He wants to reveal to YOU. So, jump in!

He doesn't call the equipped....he equips those he calls. Answer it. He's trustworthy. I promise! :)

...side note: thank you to my sweet friends who remember that an encourager needs to be encouraged! So grateful to God that we are in this together!!

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