Well, it's here.
Birthday's are like that. They arrive regardless of being ready or prepared. I woke up at 12:40 to use the restroom, and thought....well, it's here. Happy Birthday to me. As I rolled out of bed this morning, I quickly checked my phone for messages...and then checked facebook. (don't judge people).
A friend posted a greeting card pic on my facebook wall. It was a young woman with a turquoise carnation question mark around her beautiful face. Something about it intrigued me and I kept coming back to it as I got ready for work. Something about the question mark kept calling to me. I looked at it again at work. And then quickly started my busy work day.
And then it happened. I got why the question mark spoke to me. When you ask a question, you wait for an answer. The answer is unknown. My future is unknown. It isn't limited or bound to the pathetic, existence that I conjure up during one of my pity parties. In fact, my future is unknown. And it's full of wonderful posibilities. And that excites me. I don't have to be sad because life hasn't turned out like I wanted. I can choose to re-write what I want my life to look like.
Friends, I feel hope rising up in my spirit. And in a new way today, on my 35 birthday, despite society telling me that I am getting old and dried up, I am excited about the future my God has for me. A future that has exciting possibilities. I have so many wonderful moments ahead of me.
The best is yet to come. My best is yet to come.
I love this post! Thanks for sharing :) I think you are awesome!!