This weekend, a member of my family, offered to do something completely selfless for SteveO and I. So big, that you wonder if they really thought it through.
Please pray for us to have wisdom.
When the offer was presented, I immediately thought of Sarah in the Bible who took matters into her own hands. And well, it wasn't God's perfect plan. I don't want to be Sarah. I want God's perfect plan.
Please pray for us to have wisdom.
I also don't want to box God in. I have given Him freedom to fulfill His promises anyway He plans. I have given up any agenda I may have. And I don't want to miss what He's doing.
Please pray for us to have wisdom.
This member of the family, has a difficult relationship with the Lord. A product of a 'religious' environment that was full of rules and 'you'll never measure up' has resulted in a person who, by there own admission, 'doesn't know anything of God's plans'.
Please pray for us to have wisdom.
Despite the upbringing and very tough exterior, has a heart that simply wants to know it's accepted and lovely. Despite studying science and trying to logically prove everything, cannot figure our faith out. Why two people of such character and intelligence would seek after and desire to be in an intimate relationship with a Deity. Why, when faced with an obvious solution to a heart wrenching desire, we wouldn't jump and say...absolutely. Why, by her own mind, would we even entertain turning down this answer to put faith in said Deity??
Please pray for us to have wisdom.
Part of me says jump. Part of me says wait. Most of me wants to use this as a tool to develop faith in my family. But then there's that part that doesn't want too at the expense of having this desire met.
Please pray for us to have wisdom.
God, you alone know what you are up too. I trust you with every fiber of my being. Please give us wisdom to walk this road. Please give us wisdom to receive your blessings...but not those things disguised as such. Help us to discern between the two.
Im happy I found your blog! And I am also happy that I saw you in Target the other night :) I should make seeing you a more intentional thing. Im positive we would be great friends ;)